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Pachet - Cum mi-am învins anxietatea și depresia (include e-book)  × 1 197 lei
Subtotal 197 lei
Total 197 lei
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Agoraphobia, 31 years old
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I couldn't leave the house without having a panic attack, and I was visiting psychiatrists every week in despair. Now, thanks to the system presented in the book, I am an entrepreneur, I have a wonderful relationship and the physical and mental strength to take care of myself, others and live a normal and peaceful life, not only functional again, but even the highest version of myself.
Social anxiety, 54 years old
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I was initially skeptical, but I really like the techniques I got from the sessions with Hope, they are easy to implement, they don't require much time, and the results are visible from day one. The tools, so concrete and useful plus the fact that I can implement them all by myself and incorporate them into my program...just wow. The conversations with her, full of optimism, are food for the soul, when you know that the person who tells you what to do, went through the same ordeal... It's the first thing I tried that really worked and helped me, since the first week, to feel better every day.

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